Parquet Schema Reader

View the schema of your Parquet files in one click. No server-side processing, everything happens in your browser. This will show the high level schema for the Parquet file, to view the metadata, check out the Parquet Metadata Reader.

Understanding Parquet Schema

Parquet schema provides detailed information about the structure of your Parquet files. It includes field names, data types, and other important attributes that define the layout of your data.

Schema Fields Explained

The parquet_schema function returns the following fields:

  • file_name: Name of the Parquet file
  • name: Name of the field in the schema
  • type: Data type of the field
  • type_length: Length of the data type (if applicable)
  • repetition_type: Whether the field is required, optional, or repeated
  • num_children: Number of child fields (for nested types)
  • converted_type: Logical type conversion information
  • scale: Scale for decimal types
  • precision: Precision for decimal types
  • field_id: Unique identifier for the field
  • logical_type: Logical type of the field

Benefits of Reading Parquet Schema

  • Understand the structure and organization of your Parquet files
  • Plan data processing and analysis strategies based on field types
  • Identify nested structures and complex data types
  • Ensure compatibility when working with different data systems