CSV Decompressor

Upload and decompress your GZ files to extract CSV content. You can also view and analyze uncompressed CSV files.

Why Use Our CSV Decompressor?

  • Free and easy-to-use online tool for decompressing GZ files and extracting CSV content
  • Quickly access the contents of compressed CSV files for analysis
  • Securely process your files entirely in your browser - we don't store your data
  • Compatible with various GZ compressed files and CSV formats
  • Ideal for data analysts, researchers, and anyone working with compressed datasets
  • Prepare your data for import into databases or analysis tools

How to Use the CSV Decompressor

  1. Upload your GZ or CSV file using the file input above
  2. For GZ files, click "Decompress" to extract the original CSV content
  3. For uncompressed CSV files, view the content directly
  4. Analyze the extracted data or download the decompressed CSV file
  5. Use the decompressed data for your analysis or further processing

About GZ Compression and CSV Files

GZ (Gzip) is a popular file compression format used to reduce the size of files, including CSV (Comma-Separated Values) files. Gzip uses the DEFLATE algorithm, which combines LZ77 and Huffman coding to achieve efficient compression without data loss.

When working with large datasets, it's common to compress CSV files using gzip to save storage space and reduce transfer times. Our CSV Decompressor tool allows you to easily extract the original CSV content from these compressed GZ files, making your data immediately accessible for analysis or import into other tools.